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Silver Fire (Guardians) Page 21

  She was busy enriching the first batch of zefinium power sources for the MDI laser gun prototype. Who was he to complain? She was working to fulfill her commitments to MDI.

  “Sorry,” Sophie said breathlessly as she strode briskly into the office and removed her lab coat.

  “No problem, Angel,” Derek said warmly as he rose and gave her a chaste peck on her forehead. “Probably what you get for playing hooky yesterday at lunch.”

  “One of my assistants didn’t show up for work,” Sophie grumbled. “She didn’t even bother to call.”

  Derek stiffened. “Who?”

  “Polly Smith.”

  “How long has she worked for you?”

  “A few weeks.” Sophie’s eyes widened with horror. “No, I don’t think she’s a spy. Her school credentials check out.”

  “You never know, Sophie. Some spies spend years undercover before they’re activated.”

  Sophie shook her head adamantly. “She’s a bonafide nuclear physicist in the making. She’s really smart.”

  “So she learns your secrets and then she takes off to work for them,” Derek pointed out.

  Gray eyes flashed furiously at him. “I will not listen to your absurd theories. How dare you accuse Polly of being involved with scum like Justin!”

  “What is going on here?” Stephen asked, standing by the doorway.

  “Do you have Polly’s number? Can you call her?”

  “I’ve been calling her all day,” Stephen said quietly.

  Sophie glanced at Derek who was watching her carefully. Her nostrils flared. “No. There has to be an explanation. Something must have happened to her.”

  “Sophie—” Derek tried to pull her in his arms.

  “No, Derek!” she shouted and shoved him away. “Stephen, pull up her address. We can go check on her.”

  Derek pulled out his phone. “There’s a faster way to do this.” He called AGS.

  “Anything?” Viktor was definitely not one for pleasantries.

  “Viktor, I need you to initiate a missing persons check on Polly Smith. Sophie’s assistant has gone missing.”

  “Interesting. I’ll have Tim activate the search tree.”

  “What’s a missing persons check?” Stephen asked, when Derek ended the call.

  “AGS has direct access to police and hospital records. The search should turn up missing person reports filed or any Jane or John Doe that may have turned up in the specified period.”

  Derek made another attempt to curl his arms around Sophie. This time, she did not push him away and instead rested her face on his chest.

  It had not taken long. Half an hour later, Derek got the news. Jesus Christ, how could he tell her?

  “What?” Sophie whispered, her eyes were already filling with tears. This was the first time Derek had seen them. After all the craziness that had happened to her, his woman was close to breaking.

  “A Jane Doe was brought into the MPD coroner’s office this afternoon. Tim had it matched to information on Polly Smith.” Derek exhaled deeply before continuing. “There’s a 99% match on dental records and fingerprints. I’m sorry, Sophie.”

  “How?” Sophie asked, her voice cracking.

  “Angel, I don’t think—”

  “How, Derek?” she repeated, her voice high-pitched, her eyes wild.

  “Sophie, calm down,” Stephen said. “Derek, just tell her!”


  “Fuck,” Derek cursed as he ran his fingers through his hair. “Autoerotic asphyxia.”

  Stephen let out string of expletives.

  “She was strangled?”

  Derek glanced at Stephen, who shook his head.

  “I saw that,” Sophie said, narrowing her eyes at the men. “Tell me the damned truth!”

  When Sophie started swearing, she was passed the point of pissed.

  “Sophie, she was strangled during sex,” Derek said.

  Sophie walked around her desk and sank into her chair. “Do they know who did it?”

  “The room was clean, but from his track record—”

  “Oh my god, I think I’m going to be sick.” Sophie started hyperventilating, she bent forward, head between her knees. Derek rushed to her side. Kneeling on the floor, he dragged her into his arms and cradled her on his lap. He whispered words of comfort, words promising that he was going to keep her safe.

  In truth, Derek was chilled to his bones. The perversion of one Justin Bishop knew no bounds. He was one sick motherfucker.


  The limousines started pulling into the driveway of Larkspur Manor in McClean for the Robinson fundraiser. The only time Jack and Derek would use a chauffeur-driven limo was when they attended formal events. The DC society pages frequently gabbed about the dangerous MDI boys as being “too macho” to hire a driver despite the billions the company made. A recent picture of Derek and the overturned Escalade hit a gossip column and reiterated it was probably time for him to hire a driver and become a respectable, mainstream executive.

  Not in a million years.

  Derek got out of the limo and waved his driver away. Making his way up the marble staircase, he fell in step at the receiving line. He spied Jack and Maia already working the room.

  “Lockwood!” Senator Robinson boomed in greeting, grasping his hand in a firm handshake and giving him a hearty thump on the back. “Couldn’t stay out of trouble, could you?”

  “Crazy drivers on the Beltway, Senator.”

  “Maybe Congress can do something about that,” the senator joked.

  “Much appreciated, Sir,” Derek replied, deadpan.

  “Your man, McCord and his lovely wife are already inside. Enjoy the evening. I’ll be in touch with you boys next week on some matters for the Senate Intelligence committee.”

  “Anytime, Senator.”

  Derek graciously shook hands with the senator’s wife and was thankful that Layla was not in the receiving line. He turned his attention to the luxurious ballroom where the usual sight of silk covered chairs and tables were graced with an elaborate centerpiece. A ten-thousand dollar a plate affair, further money was raised at the silent auction later in the evening. The money from the auction usually benefited the senator’s favorite charities. Time to play the politically-correct businessman.

  Two hours later, Derek stood back from the crowd, leaning languidly on a massive marble column while observing the festivities of the Robinson fundraiser. He checked his watch. It was almost 10:00 p.m. Normally by this time, he would already have picked out his woman for the night, sexed her up with some dirty talk and in another hour they would be on their way to a hotel room.

  This time though, he was keeping an eye on Blackstone. Maia waylaid Christopher earlier and talked to the man for about twenty minutes. Blackstone seemed to be taken with her, as most men were when she turned on the charm. After their conversation, she looked at Derek and shook her head. Nothing. Jack was up. His friend had cornered the man at the bar, and he was clearly not out to charm him. Their conversation seemed to have turned heated. Derek made a move to intervene before his friend actually took a swing at the older man. Jack had no patience for the likes of Christopher Blackstone, and Derek was annoyed that Sophie treated him like a beloved uncle or an old friend.

  He caught a whiff of her cloying perfume before he actually saw her. Layla Robinson. She was dressed with one thing in mind. To seduce. Derek’s eyes flickered appreciatively over her voluptuous female form. Her generous breasts were barely covered by the plunging V of her neckline, while a slit on one side of her gown went clear up almost to the top, exposing a shapely leg. If Jessica Rabbit were human, she would be Layla Robinson. She was indeed a beautiful woman, however, at the moment, she didn’t do a thing for him.

  “Derek? Dance?” Layla breathed in a sultry voice.

  “I don’t think it’s a good idea, Layla,” Derek said tightly.

  She stepped closer and brushed her lips on his. “Please. For old times sake?”

  Before Derek could say no, Layla took his hand and led him to the dance floor. Just his luck, the orchestra started playing a slow number. Derek had a sneaking suspicion that Layla had planned this. She pressed her body close to his, more than what was required with the dance. Derek always used dancing as a way to seduce his next conquest, but Layla was not in his sights tonight. His thoughts were on Sophie. He had left her at the AGS bunker with Beth and had planned to pick her up after the fundraiser. He couldn’t stand to be away from her even for a single night.

  “Can’t you even focus on me?” Layla said with irritation. “It was good between us, Derek.”

  Derek stared down at the glamorous face before him. Nothing. Sophie was who he wanted. As if sensing his disinterest, Layla’s hand went between them and stroked the front of his trousers. Repulsed by her maneuver, Derek caught her hand and pulled her off the dance floor. He dragged her into one of the deserted hallways.

  He put two hands on her shoulders and backed her into a wall. He leaned in and said, “There is no us, Layla. There never was. We fucked each other, that was all there was between us. Sex. I’m with Sophie now. Get that through your damned head.”

  Derek tried to hide his disgust from his face, but he must have failed miserably because Layla’s face jerked in surprise, tears filling her eyes before she fled through one of the exits.

  “Goddamn it!” Derek cursed. What would he need to do? Layla wouldn’t clue in. He was more than frank at the cafe, and she still thought Sophie was a passing fancy. She wasn’t. For the first time in his life, he was contemplating a future with one woman. It terrified him, but the thought of losing Sophie terrified him more.

  He needed a drink.


  Justin watched the shapely woman sobbing by the terrace outside Larkspur Manor. He couldn’t believe his luck. Derek Lockwood was making it too easy for him. He walked up to Layla Robinson and handed her a handkerchief.

  “Fuck off,” Layla hissed.

  For all her charms, Layla Robinson did not compare with the ethereal beauty of Sophie Leroux. But with her generous curves, there was no question this woman would make a good fuck for any red-blooded male. As far as Justin was concerned, Derek should have just kept to Layla Robinson and saved them all the headache.

  “You don’t want me to do that. I can help you get what you want.”

  That piqued her interest. “Derek?”

  Justin nodded.

  “What’s in it for you?”

  “He has what I want.”

  Realization hit Layla and the woman cackled like a witch. She was definitely not in Sophie’s league. Her mascara had run and her eyes were swollen, Justin actually felt sorry for her. Derek Lockwood used and discarded women, and Justin would not have him do the same to Sophie.

  “I can’t believe both of you are salivating over the same blonde bitch,” Layla sneered. “She hardly has any boobs, why would you want her?”

  “She suits me more,” Justin shrugged. He had opted to go with the scholarly harmless look tonight. “Lockwood doesn’t know what he is throwing away in you. Sophie is not for him. I’ve known her for years. He seduced her away from me. She is meek and submissive. Whereas I’m sure you know what Lockwood really prefers—sexually.”

  “That’s what I’ve been telling him!” Layla exclaimed. “The man is insatiable in bed, and I don’t think your Sophie is enough woman for him.”

  Justin felt his temper flaring. The thought of Lockwood taking Sophie over and over was not the image he wanted in his head when he was so close to achieving his goal.

  “So, will you help me get Sophie back?” Justin cut in before Layla Robinson angered him further.

  “What do I have to do?”

  Justin smiled. The saying was true: Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.


  “That’s the last shot of tequila!” Sophie announced. “I can’t take anymore.”

  “Well you need enough liquid courage to jump his bones and force him to have sex with you,” Beth replied.

  Beth Turner was keeping her company in the AGS bunker while she waited for Derek to pick her up after the fundraiser. She couldn’t wait to see him in his tuxedo and to strip it off him. He had dropped her and Beth at AGS before he went back to his condo to prepare for the event. Sophie decided that she was going to call off the moratorium on sex. How Derek had such amazing willpower given his past indulgences was beyond her.

  They had a conversation yesterday, and Derek had admitted he wanted to take it slow with her, especially after the shock of the past few days. Contrary to what he thought, she needed him inside her, filling every crevice of her sex to feel alive. What Justin did to Polly terrified her and giving herself up to Derek made her feel safe.

  It had been determined that Polly Smith had innocently divulged information about Endpoint Systems, and she had been seduced by Justin to provide such information—any information really. It was not clear how long Polly had been trysting with Justin, but there was speculation based on her behavior that it had been a few weeks.

  “I don’t want to be too drunk I wouldn’t remember the sex,” Sophie said. Did she just slur her words?

  “You have a point,” Beth said and they both giggled.

  “It’s almost 11:00 p.m.” Sophie said grouchily. “He promised he would call before then to let me know what time he’s coming by.”

  “Believe me, baby girl, these fundraisers do not end early. The more drunk the guests are, the looser their wallets will be, especially when the auction begins.”

  They dissolved into giggles again just as Sophie’s phone vibrated with a text message.

  “What, can’t he even call me?” Sophie groused and frowned. The message was from Christopher Blackstone.

  In her drunken state, she remembered Derek mentioning that her old friend was going to be there. Derek did not like Christopher that was for sure.

  She looked at her message and gasped, momentarily slapped out of her drunken haze.


  I’m sorry Sophie, but you should know...

  A picture of Derek and Layla dancing intimately. And then another picture of Derek and Layla in an empty hallway. Derek had pushed Layla against the wall, his hands on her shoulders as if he was about to kiss her.

  “Oh my god,” Sophie whispered hoarsely. “How could I be so stupid?”

  Beth grabbed the phone from her. “It’s a compromising position. But let’s not jump to conclusions. Talk to Derek. Remember, Blackstone will get any dirt on the MDI guys, especially Derek, because of you.”

  Sophie nodded. How lucky she was to have Beth to keep her levelheaded. She sent a text to Derek.


  What time are you coming to get me?

  She accepted another shot of tequila from Beth. After all, she was anxious to have a discussion about the pictures. Fifteen minutes passed and there was no response.


  I really need to talk to you, something’s come up.

  After another ten minutes of no response, Sophie couldn’t take it anymore. She stood up unsteadily and said to Beth. “We’re going to the condo.”


  “We’ll have Taggart take us,” Sophie declared.

  “What if Derek comes looking for you and you’re not here?”

  “We’ll leave a message with the guard, and I’ll also send him a text message,” Sophie said. She knew she was behaving childishly, but she was feeling a bit insecure right now. “Serves him right if he wastes a trip. He should have called when he said he would.”

  Beth sighed as she followed her friend, who tipsily staggered out of the bunker.


  Derek’s head felt like it was about to explode and his mouth was dry. He was also feeling extremely aroused, and he could feel his cock in full erection. Something hot and slippery was sucking on his dick. Hmm, that feels good. It took an effort for him to open his eyes, which felt weighed with lead at the mome
nt, but when he did, he couldn’t comprehend the sight of the woman giving him head.

  Wait. What? Fuck no!

  “What the hell?” he croaked as he grabbed the woman’s head. It felt like a punch in the gut when he stared straight into the satisfied face of Layla Robinson. He shook his head; his double vision must be playing tricks on him. His brain may be muddled, but it was definitely Layla.

  What had he done? He recognized his surroundings. Why was he here in his condo, sitting on the couch, and receiving a blowjob from Layla Robinson?

  “Sit back and enjoy the show, lover,” Layla purred as she swallowed his cock once more and moaned with pleasure. Derek hissed; physically it felt fantastic, but his mind was curling in revulsion.

  “Layla,” Derek groaned. He threw back his head, trying to gain control of his urges. He made an effort to dislodge the enthusiastic bobbing at his crotch again when he heard gasps coming from the entrance of the condo. He straightened up and stared straight into Sophie, Beth and Taggart’s shocked faces.

  This has to be a bad dream, Derek thought in alarm.

  “Derek,” Sophie whispered brokenly. Her face crumpling, she turned around and ran out the door.

  “You’re a fucking asshole, Lockwood!” Beth screeched at him before turning to follow her friend.

  “Layla, get the fuck off me,” Derek growled, managing to free his cock from Layla’s mouth, but when he stood up, the world tilted on its axis.

  “Shit,” Derek muttered as he tried to steady himself.

  “Derek?” Layla asked hesitantly.

  “Go home, Layla!” Derek snapped. OK. He can do this. He felt himself stagger to the doorway, remembering at least to tuck himself back into his trousers and zipping up. He clung to the doorjamb and lurched through. His heart splintered when he caught sight of Sophie sobbing into Beth’s shoulder as they waited for the elevator. Taggart stared at him stonily, effectively branding Derek as the scum of the earth. And he was feeling exactly as such.