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Protector Of Convenience (Rogue Protectors Book 2) Page 18

  “Hector is here?”

  “Yes.” She walked ahead of him and he lengthened his strides to catch up with her. “He probably wants an advance on his inheritance,” she added in a lower voice. “Probably gambled away all his money in Vegas, living the high-roller lifestyle. He’s laying it on thick. I can tell you that.”

  Whatever his thoughts were about his cousin’s design on their grandmother’s wealth dissipated when he saw Hector dancing with Ariana.

  No one danced with his wife but him.

  No one.

  His fingers tightened on the tray as he controlled his instinct to smash it on his cousin’s head. His brain backtracked because knocking Hector unconscious wouldn’t satisfy the possessive beast in Migs. Bella was dancing with Abbi Mena while his mother looked on, everyone oblivious to the simmering volcano that had entered the room.

  As Hector laughingly twirled Ariana straight into a dip, both of them spotted him. Migs raised a brow as he watched his wife’s upside-down face.

  “Migs,” she breathed.

  “Ah-ah, my darling, eyes on me por favor,” Hector clucked and brought her back to attention.

  Hector was a dead man.

  “Miguel!” Lettie called.

  As if waking up from a trance, he scowled at his sister. “Where do you want this?”

  Lettie blew out an exasperated breath. That was her version of an eye-roll. “There.” She pointed to a side table.

  He lowered the tray and stood at the fringes as the dancing couples swept past him. He braced his feet and crossed his arms. Was he going to claim his bride? Was he going to stalk over there, tap Hector on the shoulder, and then punch him in the face too?

  Get a grip, Walker. They were just dancing. He needed to get used to this. It was an inevitability. He wasn’t going to be Ariana’s only dance partner at the party.

  Sure he was, his inner caveman argued.

  “They are just having fun.” He didn’t know that his mother was beside him until she had spoken, so focused was he in imagining his cousin’s untimely demise at his hands. “Wipe that dark cloud from your face, mijo.”

  He glanced at his mother and tried to smile. She shook her head. “That smile is going to scare small children.”

  What? Did he look like a murderous clown?

  Thankfully, the music finished and, more thankfully, his cousin and Ariana didn’t linger in the final position, which had her draping her leg over his hip.

  “Cabrón!” Hector yelled as he and Ariana walked over to him. Why the hell did his cousin have a hand at the small of her back? Rather than wait for them to reach him, he moved forward and clasped Ariana’s arm, giving her a tug that made her stumble into him. Without hesitation, he gave her a searing kiss, before leveling Hector with a stoic gaze. “Cuz, what are you doing here?”

  “Eh, thought I could help with organizing the party.”

  “I’m sure my sisters have that handled.”

  “Careful, cuz, you sound like you don’t want me here.”

  “Not at all, but maybe you should help your brother so he’s not whining that he’s doing all the farm work by himself.”

  “Hey, I had nothing to do with what Joaquín did,” Hector protested.

  “You two boys are breaking my heart,” Abbi Mena stepped up to them. “Is that the way to greet each other?”

  Abuelita was staring at Migs with disapproval and his balls shriveled a bit at the weight of her stare, but she was right. His own long-standing guilt mixed with jealousy, not to mention his displeasure at Hector’s older brother culminated in his antagonistic behavior.

  “Come here.” He grabbed his cousin by the neck and yanked him into a hug. But his inner caveman had to get in the last word. “Dance with my wife again, and I will break your legs, cabrón,” he whispered by Hector’s ear.

  When he leaned back, Migs wanted to laugh at the disconcerted expression on his cousin’s face and added for everyone else to hear, “Glad you’re here to help.”

  Hector blinked before pasting on a smile so comical, Migs was certain he had thrown his cousin for a loop. That Hector wasn’t sure whether to take that veiled threat as a joke or if it was a part of their history of reenacting the Han-Lando thing.

  “Yes, especially since you keep on blowing off our online meetings,” Lettie added.

  “I was busy with the hotel, but I’m here now. My crew is at your command, ready to build the best stage for Abbi Mena.”

  “It’s not my quinceañera and I’m not a bride,” their grandmother reminded them. “Don’t go overboard.”

  As Delia inquired about the Vegas holdings, the family gathered around for iced tea and snacks. Migs lowered himself to a couch and dragged Ariana on his lap.

  “What’s with all this possessive behavior?” she whispered by his ear.

  His hand that was on top of her thigh squeezed her in answer. “Get used to it.” He nipped her ear. He felt her shiver. Good.

  Since Hector appeared to be staying in the house, he would be put in the room next to theirs. That meant monkey sex wouldn’t be in their future, at least for the next week or so. Damn, just when they were ready to go bareback.

  His eyes caught his cousin’s across the room. He was watching them and gave Migs an annoying smirk and mock salute.

  Maybe Migs was overreacting.

  Tessa chose that moment to sweep into the living room. In her arms were bundles of garment bags. Following her were Cesar and Drew with similar loads.

  “Ladies, I have all your gowns for final fitting.” Tessa turned to his wife. “Even yours, Ari.”

  Migs sighed as he lost the comfort of his wife on his lap as she got up to join the excitement over the dresses.

  He couldn’t wait until his grandmother’s celebration was over. Not having absolute control over the security of the festivities was making him antsy. He was happy to see his wife blending into his family so well, but as his grandmother’s birthday grew closer, a pit of unease in his gut was growing bigger and bigger.

  It was like waiting for the other shoe to drop.


  It had been weeks since Ariana had worn full makeup. While she waited for the bathroom to cool down after her shower, a towel wrapped her wet hair in place. She was running late but applying foundation when her face was steamed up would be an exercise in futility.

  It was the day of Abbi Mena’s party and everything that could go wrong did. First, the cake had a mishap, so Tessa had to scramble for another one. The favors for the event had the wrong labeling, so she and Lettie had to redo all of them.

  Delia had to alter Bella’s dress because she mysteriously gained five pounds from the week before. And now Ariana was staring at her own dress hanging from the bathroom door like it was about to betray her too. As of last night, it still fit, but at the rate everyone was eating, she’d be surprised if she didn’t need a girdle. Her dress was a beautiful cream creation with a corset style top and a flowing chiffon skirt that hit midway between the knee and the ankle. It was perfect for dancing. Embroidered peonies studded with black beads accentuated the dress. It had enough support not to need a bra.

  Returning her attention to her makeup, she went with smoky eyes and was applying the fake eyelashes when Migs appeared in the mirror.

  His eyes grew heated.

  “Don’t even think about it,” Ariana said, positioning the lashes and doing a couple of blinks in the mirror to test the glue.

  “That’s all I’ve been thinking about all day.”

  “We’re running late.”

  “We’re the only ones in the house.”

  He was wearing the trousers to his suit but was only wearing the undershirt.

  “There’s a stain on your shirt.”

  Ariana realized her mistake when her husband discarded said clothing and exposed his magnificent musculature. Seriously, he was a work of art with his sleeve tattoos and ink on his chest. She tried to ignore the answering quiver in her lady parts, but a sheen of
sweat seemed to magically appear on her upper lip.


  “Miiiiigs …” she warned when he straightened from the doorframe and reached for her.

  “I’ll be quick.”

  A choked laugh caught in her throat as she tried to evade him, but he caught her by the waist and spun her around, quickly divesting her of the robe, exposing her nakedness to his scorching eyes. “Don’t run,” he whispered. “It’s exciting me even more, and I might come before I get inside you.”

  “That’s your problem.”

  His breath was hot on her neck. “No, it’s yours.”

  He boosted her up against the wall, his hand worked between them and she heard the clink of the belt buckle, the lowering of a zipper. His fingers probed her folds and she could feel how slick she was.

  “Let go, Ariana,” he murmured. “Scream all you want. We’re alone now.”

  Then he impaled her against the wall, sliding her against cool tiled walls. Migs didn’t hold back, his girth stretched her, filled her. He withdrew only to drive into her again. Over and over he hammered her as her fingers gripped his face. There was sheer torture on his features as if being inside her wasn’t enough.

  “Give me every inch of you … ahh, Miguel,” Ariana screamed as his shaft hit her sweet spot, and ripples of pleasure washed over her, curling her toes, making her shiver. With her head thrown back, Migs kept his mouth on her throat, trailing fire, until he reached his own release. He stifled a roar, ending in a forceful grunt effused on her neck.

  “Holy fuck,” he murmured. “Fucking hell, babe.” He repeated over and over. Ariana was speechless herself. Migs took her quick and dirty and it was freakishly hot.

  He lowered her legs and staggered back.

  “You’re lucky we have to leave soon.” His eyes scorched over her. “You’ve got this rock chick babe look going for you, begging to be fucked.”

  Rock chick babe?

  She disengaged from the wall and pushed his hulking frame aside to look in the mirror. Her mascara and eyeliner had smeared.

  “We are really late,” Ariana mumbled as she slipped into her dress. She had to redo her entire face of makeup and decided for a cleaner eyeshadow look. Her husband had the talent to demolish makeup masterpieces in a few minutes of fierce fucking.

  Migs was reclining on the loveseat, eyeing her lazily like a lion who was toying with his meal. He’d already put on his dress shirt and his tie was hanging loosely around his neck. Ariana tried not to think how hot he looked in starched clothes.

  She walked up to him and showed him her back. He didn’t need prodding, but got up and drew up the zipper, but before she managed to walk away, something cool draped around her neck. When she tried to look down, she couldn’t see it so she ran to the bedroom mirror.

  “Migs!” she gasped as sparkling diamonds winked at her. “Where did you get this?”

  “It’s a family heirloom.” He gave her a brief history, that it belonged to his great great-grandmother.

  “This is too much!” Emotions burned her eyes. “Now you’re going to ruin my makeup again!”

  He chuckled and picked up her hand and put something else on it. She stared at the matching bracelet and earrings in her palm.

  “Now hurry up.” Migs pressed a kiss to her forehead. “I can’t wait for the family to see you in them.”

  Tessa was blowing up his phone when their SUV pulled into the entrance of the country club. In fact, his sister was already waiting at the driveway.

  “Where have you guys been?” his sister fussed at them, and then her eyes widened at the jewelry around Ariana’s neck. “Oh, never mind.” She grinned. “All’s good. Some of the guests are still arriving.” She motioned to one of the country club employees to pick up the favors in the cargo of the Escalade.

  He rounded the vehicle and gave the keys to the valet, offering one arm to Ariana and the other to his sister. “I’m escorting two beautiful women.”

  “Ah, Miguel, you don’t need to flatter your older sister. I already forgive you for being late.” She looked over to his wife. “It looks beautiful on you, Ari. Mamá told me she gave these to Migs.”

  As the women chatted, he shifted his arms so Ari was beside Tessa and they weren’t separated by his bulk. He saw Leon by the entrance to the ballroom and they exchanged brief nods.


  He turned and saw a crowd of his relatives approach. Was it weird that he wanted to grab Ariana and run away from them? His eyes lowered to Tessa’s laughing face.

  “Showtime, little brother.”

  Moments later, he managed to maneuver Ariana past a throng of his extended family and friends. “Sorry about that,” he muttered. He wiped a trace of lipstick on Ariana’s cheek and she did the same on his.

  “They’re an enthusiastic bunch, aren’t they?”

  “They haven’t seen me in a while.” He gave her a look. “You seem to be doing okay.”

  “You forget, I moved in a similar crowd in LA. I try to remember names when I can, but know after the night is through, I probably won’t be able to match names and faces. Besides, I think everyone is more interested in your grandmother than our marriage.”

  It was because everyone was trying to get a piece of his grandmother’s estate. His eyes searched for the celebrant. She was about to sit at the long table by the stage. “Abbi Mena is free now. Let’s go.” They hastened to his grandmother before anyone could waylay her again.

  “Happy Birthday, abuelita.” They’d already greeted her this morning before the craziness started.

  “Ah, take me away from here, mijo,” his abuela laughed, feigning exasperation. “I’m too old for this.”

  “You’re pretending to be annoyed,” Migs teased. “But I see you’re happy to see all your grandchildren and great-grandkids.”

  She beamed. “Yes. It makes my heart feel like this.” She separated her hands across her chest. “Good to be around family. Sometimes.” Her eyes sparkled with mirth. “How are you holding up, Ariana?”

  “Everyone’s been great,” she said.

  “She’s more at ease with them than I am,” Migs said.

  “That’s because you’re antisocial. Ariana is a people-person.”

  Delia and Drew came up beside them. “You two go circulate.” Mamá’s gaze landed around Ariana’s neck, a satisfied smile crossing her lips and then glanced at his wife’s ring finger before shifting back questioningly to him.

  Migs gave a shake of his head and motioned to his suit jacket. The ring was in his pocket. His tongue couldn’t find the words. He didn’t know if he was overwhelmed by what he was feeling, or he was feeling that they both weren’t at that point yet. He was afraid. Afraid to rock the status quo. Ariana accepted the jewelry, but the diamond ring meant so much more. He’d have to plan a more elaborate proposal that would seal their fate forever.

  If his wife noticed the silent exchange between him and his mother, she didn’t give any indication. She was teasing Pops about how dashing he looked in his suit.

  “He takes after me.” Migs winked.

  Everyone laughed. Soon, Lettie joined them and shooed Migs away and scolded him, telling him to circulate with Ariana and introduce her to the family.

  Just his luck, they ran into Joaquín.

  His cousin was the older version of Hector. Tall, lean, and with the Spanish mestizo complexion, but that was where the similarities ended. Though their features were similar, Hector immediately exuded fun, while Joaquín was the complete opposite. Hardness and shrewdness were permanently etched into this particular cousin’s face, and no amount of smiling seemed to change that first impression.

  In fact, at this moment, he appeared like a shark scenting blood in the water.



  “Ariana, my cousin, Joaquín.”

  They exchanged brittle pleasantries. His wife was having trouble being civil to Joaquín after she heard Tessa spreading her disple
asure at their cousin for what he’d done to Cesar.

  “It’s a simple misunderstanding, Miguel,” Joaquín sighed. “I accept full responsibility.”

  “How magnanimous of you.” Migs flared. He’d been doing so well keeping a lid on his temper. Being around his family did that, but apparently not with this particular one. “This simple misunderstanding could have cost Cesar and Leon their lives.”

  “For the last time,” his cousin gritted. “I did not make the call.”

  “It originated from your office.”

  “I’m looking into it,” Joaquín said. “And why were they the ones in the warehouse? Cesar always sent his supervisors for the nighttime arrivals.”

  “I know I’m new here,” Ariana interjected. “But if you two insist on discussing the situation now, move somewhere else. People are starting to notice.”

  Both men glanced up and sure enough many eyes were trained on them with interest.

  “I’m done here,” Migs grunted.

  He made to move but Joaquín grabbed his arm. Migs dropped his eyes to where his cousin was gripping his bicep before flicking it back to Joaquín, keeping them expressionless until his cousin released his hold.

  “Miguel. We’re family,” Joaquín sighed in resignation. “What’s a better time to fix this than now? It’s abuelita’s birthday. It will make her so happy that we all get along.”

  Hector sauntered over to them. “You guys are making a scene. How about taking this somewhere else, huh?”

  “Perfect time for me to use the ladies’ room.” Ariana looked at Miguel pointedly. Talk it out, her eyes communicated. He reluctantly let his wife go and allowed his two cousins to lead him away, aware that all attention was on the Alcantara heirs.

  He was doing this for his family, for Abbi Mena, and his mother.

  Ariana escaped to the ladies’ room, thankful that all eyes were on the cousins. She needed a moment to regroup. It was her first public outing since Raul was killed. She wondered how many of the guests knew exactly who she was, and how many of them had been wronged by her brother. She hated to leave Migs on his own with Joaquín. Unlike Hector, it seemed that particular cousin was more sly, but she sensed there was more to the warehouse incident that had caused that rift. Migs hadn’t talked about it, but Drew had mentioned Don Pepito’s death. What happened to Joaquín and Hector’s father? And how did it relate to Migs and his admission that he was DEA?