Silver Fire (Guardians) Read online

Page 15

  “And I’m not comfortable talking to you about it,” Sophie said firmly.

  Jack started chuckling. “I take it my man messed up.”


  “He’s not used to having a girlfriend.”

  “You mean being monogamous?”

  “Uh, yeah.”

  “Well, he made it clear how uncomfortable it was for him.”



  “For what it’s worth, he was thinking of you immediately after the crash.”

  “Look, Jack. It’s obvious Derek makes a great friend. And maybe that’s all we’re ever going to be.”

  It looked like Jack was going to argue but decided against it, much to Sophie’s relief. Now that she was sure Derek was OK, she could probably go back to hating him, because hating him, it seemed, was the only way to protect her heart.


  Derek watched Sophie walk through the entrance of the situation room. His attention was briefly distracted by Jack giving him a chin lift before wordlessly walking to Maia, curling his hand around her neck, pulling her close and burying his face in the curve of her neck.

  “Jack,” Maia whispered.

  “Babe,” was all that Jack said.

  Derek moved toward Sophie but immediately saw that her guard was up. She was still pissed at him, but at least there was a hint of concern on her face.

  “I’m glad you’re OK,” Sophie said stiffly. Derek felt the yawning chasm of awkwardness that was festering between them, and it was all his fault.

  “Sophie,” Derek said. “About this morning.”

  “Don’t,” Sophie hissed. “This is not the time or the place.”

  “We have to talk.”

  “Is there something to talk about, Derek?” Sophie whispered. “I think your actions this morning were pretty clear.”

  Before Derek could answer, Viktor walked into the room with Tim.

  “Good, you’re all here.” His eyes swept over Maia and Derek. “You guys look terrible. Looks like old times.”

  Derek smiled wryly. He and Maia had gone on several missions together and they had gotten into and gotten out of a lot of scrapes, which frequently ended with one or both of them in a hospital. Today, Maia had a bump on her head, a big bandage across her forehead, and her left wrist was bandaged up. She also had sustained a couple of bruised ribs. Derek himself had a cut above his eye, a bump on his head, broken glass fragment cuts everywhere and his chest hurt where the airbags hit. Luckily, the Escalade was a solid car to get tumbled in.

  “It’s fortunate both of you were wearing seatbelts this time,” Viktor added dryly. “After this meeting though, I want you two knuckleheads to go to the hospital and get a full body scan. No exceptions. That should have been your first stop.”

  “What I said,” Jack muttered.

  “Dr. Leroux.” Viktor turned his attention to Sophie. “I’m afraid this is a private meeting. I will have Manning escort you to my office where you can wait for Derek.”

  Sophie nodded and stood up when the big guy came in to take her to Viktor’s office.

  “Jack, you weren’t supposed to be in this meeting either, but given what happened this morning, I’m afraid the incident has escalated.”

  “What do you mean, this meeting wasn’t originally about Sophie?” Jack asked, his eyes growing alert.


  Derek frowned.

  “We’ve picked up data searches on your name, Maia,” Viktor said. Before anyone else could say anything, Viktor handed out a picture of her as she was sitting at Rooster Bar. “This picture was used to do facial recognition on you.”

  “So was I the target or Derek?”

  “Nothing was uncovered that would reveal your connection to AGS,” Viktor replied. “The mined data revealed only your work as a marketing executive. However, further investigation was done on MDI. Jack, here of course, because he’s your husband, and the rest of the board at MDI. But specific digging was done on Jack and Derek, even deeper than what was done for you.”

  “This doesn’t make sense,” Jack said tersely. “Who would want to dig into my wife’s background in the first place?”

  Derek could think of a few people, but decided not to aggravate Jack further. Maia continuing to be a Guardian while being married to him was a disaster waiting to happen. Most of her dangerous missions were covertly done abroad, but if she were recognized, no amount of data laundering could protect her.

  “Where did the searches originate?” Derek asked.

  Viktor and Tim looked at each other.

  “The searches were made to look like they were originating from Morocco,” Tim said, stopping momentarily at the scowls that crossed everyone’s faces. “They’ve got a sophisticated way of covering their tracks, but they’re going up against the best.” He smiled smugly. “It’s from South Africa. It’s from an office space being leased by a businessman—Eric Opperman.”

  “What does he do?”

  “Well, according to his file, everything. He’s an information broker, he fixes paperwork for shipments, that kind of work. Most companies use him as a middleman.”

  “A facilitator,” Maia said. “So we’re back to Sophie Leroux as the crux of everything that’s been happening. These people, whoever they are, are digging up information on everyone who has something to do with her. They’re looking at me, because I was with her at Rooster Bar. Ever since the fire at her house, she’s remained pretty hidden. The only way they could have tracked her down is Beth Turner. Someone is following her.”

  “Should we put her friends under protection?” Derek asked.

  “Good luck locking down a reporter,” Tim said.

  “Tim’s right, Beth would be like a rabid dog in a cage,” Derek agreed.

  “What we’ve concluded from the attack this morning: Derek was the target, Maia was collateral,” Tim said. “Whoever is after Sophie is threatened by him. Since we’ve put the perpetrators at Rooster Bar, it’s conclusive to say they’re aware of your relationship with her.”

  Or non-relationship as of this morning, Derek added silently.

  “Maia, you will be on leave until we clear this up,” Viktor said.

  The redhead was about to protest, but Jack scooted his chair beside her, wrapping an arm around her head, and covering her mouth with his hand. “With pleasure, Viktor,” Jack said with satisfaction.

  Viktor shook his head in amusement and glanced up at Derek. “I suggest you stay low too. Keep an eye on Sophie. Do you need any extra security?”

  “Not when she’s at home with me. The condo has solid security,” Derek said. “I can drive her to Silver Fire Research in the morning and then pick her up. So I guess we’re covered there. But just in case I can’t get to her, have someone on-call.”

  “Since I’m on leave anyway, I can cover her,” Maia piped in, much to her husband’s displeasure. “What? I like her. Besides, Derek, how sure are you Sophie wants to go home with you? She can stay at my place.”

  “Maia—” Jack warned.

  “I’m not sure your husband would approve,” Derek replied.

  “Damn, Lockwood, did you screw up already?” Viktor drawled.

  “Are we done here?” Derek asked desperately.

  Viktor nodded, much to Derek’s relief. He got up and stalked out of the situation room, anxious to find Sophie. Hopefully, she would let him make amends.


  “Why couldn’t I just get new security?” Sophie asked as she reluctantly got into an unmarked black AGS vehicle with Derek.

  “You’re safe with me, Sophie,” he said, smiling warmly at her. Oh so now he is all warm and fuzzy, Sophie thought with irritation. As a person who derived control through intellectual experiences, she was not comfortable with his apparent mood swings. She wanted an ordered life. The one time she decided to let go had been devastating and messed her up for a few years and she was still paying the price. Devoting herself to science wa
s a lifeline. For a year after Adam, she cut herself to relieve the pain of his loss, but she was saved by finding an affinity to physics the same way her father had. She did not want to trust her happiness and security to another man.

  “I will not sleep with you again,” Sophie said. She had to make the boundaries clear.

  “Let’s talk about that later,” Derek replied as he started the engine and the SUV pulled out of the underground parking.

  “No, I want to be perfectly clear before I go back with you to your condo,” Sophie said, her voice rising.


  “Oh so now it’s Angel? When this morning you could barely look at me after having sex with me three times?”

  Sophie saw Derek flinch, but she had so much more to say. “You know how cheap that made me feel? Do you?”

  “That was not my intention, Sophie,” Derek said quietly. “My headspace was fucked up.”

  “Have you sorted it out?”

  “I’m getting there,” Derek shot her a boyish grin. Sophie figured that worked most times on his women. Now was not one of those times.

  “And when will it get messed up again?”

  Derek frowned. “Let’s talk about this later, OK?” His tone held a hint of exasperation.

  Sophie let it go. She was exhausted and it wasn’t even noon. Derek told her he had the whole weekend to spend with her, but she was dreading it. She would insist on buying or renting a car this weekend. She needed to regain her independence. She would start looking for an apartment. Beth had suggested she move in with her, but as much as Sophie loved her friend, Beth was a slob and that would drive her obsessive-compulsive nature insane.


  Sophie was staring at Derek, her mouth gaping. “What do you mean I can’t go look for an apartment? Am I still in danger?”

  They had just arrived at the condo when Sophie started surfing for information on apartment rentals on her smartphone.

  Derek returned her gaze steadily as he said carefully, “The AGS has evidence that indicates the hit this morning was related to you.”

  “How? When we’re not even together?”

  Derek’s jaw tightened. “Someone came to the conclusion that we were together when they saw us at Rooster bar.”


  “I think they were following Beth or Stephen.”

  “Are they in any danger?”

  “Not that we can assess.”

  “But why you? Can’t they hurt me more if they go after the people who are close to me?”

  “Are you suggesting you don’t feel close to me, Angel?” Derek asked softly.

  Sophie rolled her eyes. “Don’t delude yourself. I needed to get laid and you were available.”

  Derek’s face darkened in anger. Uh-oh, maybe she had gone too far pushing his buttons.

  “Why are you being like this?” Derek muttered roughly.

  Sophie saw red. She’d had enough. He couldn’t just barge in and take control of her again after treating her like he did this morning. She had her pride. She wouldn’t come running back at the crook of his finger. What an asshole.

  “‘You’re an ass,” Sophie said furiously, leaning into his face. Derek raised a brow. “I don’t get you. You were all caveman pursuing me all week, with your big talk of having tasted me and wanting more and then when I give you more, you turned into Mr. Popsicle this morning. That might work on most of your women, but I have no intention of becoming another notch on your bed post.”

  “You’re being ridiculous. Don’t lump yourself with the women I’ve had sex with in the past.”

  “I’m not. Which is exactly what I’m telling you. But in your deluded oversexed mind, you can’t tell the difference,” Sophie said scathingly. “And you should listen to your arrogant self, Derek. How can I even be with a man who uses women for sex and doesn’t seem to care afterward.”

  “I give them what they want. They want to get fucked, I need a fuck. Fair exchange,” Derek shot back, his eyes were glittering and he was flushed under his tan.

  Sophie gaped at him, turning away momentarily before emitting a short incredulous laugh. Any illusion she had harbored about exploring a relationship with Derek evaporated. Contrary to what he would have her believe, he had only one use for women—sex. He’d tried to hide the fact behind his charm, but when pushed to a corner, the truth had no problem escaping from his own mouth.

  “You have no redeeming quality,” Sophie whispered in a defeated tone.

  “Angel—” He sounded contrite.

  “Stop calling me that!” she shouted angrily. His eyes snapped to hers. “You will not blow hot and cold on me. You’re either in or out. And right now, ooohhh you’re definitely out, because newsflash Derek, I don’t give second chances.”

  Derek yanked her to him, and she felt his arousal through their layers of clothing. The cuts on his face only enhanced his sexiness, and Sophie felt herself getting turned on. She knew if he pushed, she would give in.

  “You seem to have forgotten the endless orgasms I’ve given you since last night. Do you need a reminder? I bet if I kiss you right now, I can have you on your back with your legs wrapped around me in two seconds,” Derek taunted her maddeningly.

  “Yes, you can,” Sophie replied coldly. “But you’re not getting all of me like you did last night. That was a one shot deal, Derek. Fuck me if you want, go ahead.” Sophie challenged him, noting with satisfaction when he flinched. Sophie pulled herself free, turned around, jerking her head sideways, she said, “What I went through with Adam stunted me emotionally for thirteen years. I cut myself for the first year. Thoroughly twisted, Derek. You honestly believe I would lay myself open for that kind of hurt again?”


  “We’ll enjoy the sex. You’re good,” she continued. “But that’s all you’re getting from me. A plain fuck. That’s all you’re good for anyway, remember?”

  With that parting shot, she stormed off to the guest bedroom.


  Sophie’s words slammed into him harder than the airbag from this morning. He couldn’t fucking breathe. What she had just said made sense and he couldn’t blame her for wanting to protect herself from heartache. He had been an insensitive screwup. He was so worried about her power to hurt him, he had hurt her first. And fuck him, why couldn’t he have kept his mouth shut? Every time he got backed into the corner of his very colorful sex life, his reply was always defensive. That the women he fucked knew the score, but deep down inside he knew most of them wanted more regardless of how upfront he was about non-exclusivity. Repeating this same excuse to Sophie didn’t work anymore and only ended up making him feel like a dick.

  No redeeming quality.

  Derek felt like a knife had stabbed his heart. And Sophie knew exactly how to twist it in further.

  A plain fuck. That’s all you’re good for anyway, remember?

  What she had said killed, because it was so close to the truth.

  Cursing himself, he went to the fridge and got a beer, opened it and took a long pull. He glowered at Sophie’s closed door, debating whether to crash in there and force her to talk to him. But talk to her about what? How totally lost in her he felt? How desperately he wanted to stay buried inside her forever? The need to possess her had demolished his self-control; he had fucked her hard. He had become spellbound, and the soul-shattering experience ultimately scared the shit out of him.

  Damn it, it was not supposed to be this complicated. But he would be damned if this would be the end of them.

  Downing the last of his beer, he prowled down the hallway to her bedroom. It was locked, so he hauled back and kicked it open.

  “Derek! Are you nuts?”

  “We’re talking.”

  “What else is there to say?”

  “Angel, I freaked out this morning.”

  “I think I got that.”

  Derek’s eyes narrowed. “You don’t get it, Sophie. You just have to wait it out.”

nbsp; She crossed her arms over her chest, waiting for him to go on.

  He sighed. “I shouldn’t have shut you out, but for the first time in my life I was losing control and that did not go over well. This thing between us is new. Angel, I will fuck up.”

  Derek moved closer to her and was encouraged when she did not back away. Uncrossing her arms, he pulled her stiff body into his embrace and inhaled the scent of her hair.

  “You have the power to hurt me, I got scared,” Derek said softly. “Do you understand what I’m telling you?”

  “I get where you’re coming from, Derek, but I don’t want this rollercoaster,” Sophie whispered. “You’re too complicated. And for that matter, what makes you think after all these years, you’re cut out for a relationship? Wait, let me guess. You see Jack and Maia happily married and you think you can have that too. Is that why you’re trying, Derek?”

  Is she psychic too? Derek thought.

  “I see I’ve hit a sore spot,” Sophie said as she extricated herself from his arms. “I’m not an experiment, Derek. I’m a person. You do not get to test things out on me to see if monogamy works for you.”

  “You are not a damned experiment,” Derek said roughly. “I’ll admit I’m feeling envious of my friends’ marriage, but I’m genuinely attracted to you.”

  “You’re attracted to all the women you sleep with.”

  “You’re different.”

  “You expect me to fall for that line?”

  Shit. He was going about this all wrong. Everyone he knew was fucked up in handling relationships. Jack seemed to be muddling through that minefield fine, but his friend could hardly give a lecture on “Relationships 101.” And forget Viktor.

  “Is it working?” Derek asked hopefully and shot her his boyish grin.

  Sophie shook her head. “Derek, stop. Give it up. I’m not giving you another chance. I’m getting a new car and finding an apartment and I will be out of your hair.”



  “No. You are not moving out. We can go get you a car, but I’m driving it until we’re sure all the threats against you are under control. I take you to work, I pick you up. And I don’t give a fuck if you don’t give me a second chance because I’m taking one.”